Sunday, April 18, 2010

So happy I could frolic!

Yes, t'is true, I'm so happy I could frolic! Why? Heck if I know! I suppose I'm just high on life! As if one really needs a reason to be happy lol. But if I were to try and pinpoint the source(s) of my happy-go-lucky demeanor, they would stem from the little pleasures of today. I'm hail from the rare unspoiled-only child breed so it doesn't take a lot to amuse me. That's something I'm really proud of actually because life's a lot easier to get through and much more enjoyable when you can find pleasure in the little things :-) Here were today's joyful little things:
-going to the mall w/ my mommy
-getting lunch, CDs, flip flops, but MOST IMPORTANTLY: a hooded cookie monster towel AND an 8 pack of Keebler cookie flavored lip balm!!!!!! *sidenote* my friend Tim was the one who actually told me about cookie flavored lip balm and I joked with him that I had to find some to wear in prep for my 1st kiss. Yes I'm 22 and still haven't been kissed but you better believe it'll be a tasty one when it happens lol!!!
-uploading pics of those 2 fantabulous purchases to my facebook and having my friends leave comments showing that they appreciate those purchases too-i mean c'mon, who doesn't like cookie related things?!?
-watching the new ABCFamily movie: Beauty & the Briefcase and loving it! It was surprisingly unpredictable and really funny!
-getting a loving Facebook msg from a friend <3
-getting a text from one of my best friends, which gave me something to look fwd to bc she's gonna call me tmrw and tell me all about her night w/ a special someone-can't wait!!!
-hugging & kissing my adorable mommy goodnight

Each of these things are quite tiny, and maybe even meaningless to some. But to me, each of them matter, bring me joy, and served to give me one of the happiest days I've had in a long time. It's a beautiful thing when one has the ability to be happy in the middle of a storm. I often times feel like my life has been a series of storms but in the words of Rose Kennedy, "Birds sing right after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?" With that said, I'm going to continue enjoying being jolly :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just call me Yoda

Tonight I got on Facebook chat, just to see if there was anyone online that I actually wanted to talk to. I ended up talking to my old friend Carol and my new friend Angela. It was awesome!!! Angela was freaking out over her job interview tomorrow morning because she really wants the position, and Carol needed a bit of clarity/advice regarding the current state and future of her relationship. I had the pleasure of helping both of them I've been coach...yea, that sounds about right, as far back as I can those younger, older, and the same age as me, and I love it!! It feels great to constantly hear how easy I am to talk to and to know that people trust me enough to tell me their issues and trust my judgement enough to want to hear my thoughts on their issues. Talking to the girls tonight got me many 'thank you's, quoted in a Facebook status(which is always quite the compliment), AND I was called Yoda...aweeeesome. I love being the person to calm someone's nerves, help someone feel more confident, help someone see something in a new, positive light...basically breathing positivity into others' lives. It feels so good to help others. Definitely going to bed a happy camper tonight. See?-->  :-)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bad day gone good :-)

I try to start every day with quiet time-reading the bible and praying. I just think it's a good idea to start your day as calm and centered as possible to be better able to handle whatever comes your way as the day plays out, and quiet time does that for me. And I did that today as usual. What riled me up was getting a phone call from a "debt collector". See I've put that phrase in quotes because after talking it over with my mom, we figured that they were not legit. The thing is, we truly are in debt, and that phone call albeit illegitimate, got me thinking of all the things that are and have been making my and my mom's lives miserable for the past 3 yrs. I lost it, I simply lost it and had myself a good cry. Everyone has their problems and if you're lucky you  have some form of support. We don't have that. Too often, I feel like its me, or me and my mom against the world. I'm strong, and I do my best to keep it together, I'm human and today it showed. It felt good to cry...really good. Sometimes you just gotta let it out ya know. As mentioned in my previous blog, I'm trying to lose weight. And the mood I was in today almost made me shut down and mope instead of working out. I was itching to lift weights and go outside for my 2 mi walk but on the other hand I was so down I thought I mayhaps deserved a personal day.
I turned to Facebook while I mulled over what to do and put up this status: sigh..2day's been rough..i'm not a quitter but i completely understand why ppl give up. patient endurance is not for the weak...6 friends including an awesome former teacher/mentor of mine left the sweetest comments in regards to my status telling me how wonderful they think I am. It definitely cheered me up and gave me the strength to go about the rest of my day instead of shutting down. So I lifted weights and did my 2 mi walk. It was grrrrrreat! It was so beautiful out, flowers were in bloom, the shining sun was accompanied by a light breeze, kids were playing soccer with their daddy, kids were playing at the playground, 2 guys were chilaxin in their backyard,a lady was walking her dog, a couple was walking hand in hand while pushing their baby in a stroller, and an older lady, and older man were taking a heart healthy walk just like me! I also realized that there are quite a few Asians living near me lol. I'm SO glad I decided to step outside of my emotions and step outside :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

And my weight loss journey begins!

I am in SUCH a good mood right now!!! Why? Because today i took my first steps towards being a healthier, hotter, and happier me. My good friend Robyn asked me to motivate her to lose some weight before her cousins wedding in 2 months and of course I obliged. But then I realized that I would be quite the hypocrite motivating her to lose weight while sitting on my keester complaining  about my own weight! So today I hopped to it! I woke up, had my quiet time with Jesus,strength trained, and took a 35 min walk around the neighborhood-I got a workout AND enjoyed this beautiful spring weather :-) I'm going to do this every weekday and do On Demand dancing work outs on the weekends-I've really missed dancing so I'm pumped! And of course I'm going to eat healthily, drink water like it's my job, stop snacking so late, and get a hold of my insomnia because sleeping properly is a very important part of being healthy. It felt so good to be proactive about a goal that's been haunting me for years. I think I'm really gonna keep it up this time. Why not keep this health and happiness going?!? I can't wait to see the new and improved me!!!