Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Great Thaw; Shaun White; Loss; Lent.

So we're finally experiencing the great thaw of all the snow brought by the snowpocalypse, snowmageddon, or for you nontheatrical types-the blizzard of 2010. No more power outages, covered cars, cabin fever, or snow days. I would add no more plowing to that list but it has come to my attention that some crazy ppl decided not to dig their cars out of the snow and thus their cars are still in need of being plowed out. Not a smart move on their part...

The winter olympics are here!!! It does cut into my usual t.v. sched but but I love me some Shaun White, Louie Vito, Apolo Ohno, & J.R. Celski so I'll deal. My boys did an ah-mazing job-Shaun won his 2nd gold medal tonight!!! His coach said that if he won double gold, they'd get matching tattoos, wonder what they're going to get...and where??? It was great for me to have a reason to be pumped tonight, especially considering the phone call I had to make moments before...

Recently someone that claimed to be one of my best friends has been acting pretty shady. He's basically been ignoring my existence and that is very uncharacteristic of him, and of best friend behavior. But ya see, I'm a person that has been disappointed/treated wrongly by friends & family alike since childhood so as happy as I may seem w/ certain ppl, the possibility of them treating me wrong is never far from the front of my mind. And once again, it has come to fruition. Since he refuses to talk to me, I left him a voice mail ending the friendship. I have more than enough to deal with; I refuse to chase after someone who is showing that they don't care about me. I love myself to much to deal with that. On to the next!

Lent. Honestly, if it weren't for Facebook I wouldn't have even realized that it was starting. It's just not something I gre up participating in. And I love how it's the people who never lead a true Christian life any other time of year that are participating. It's supposed to be a period of self reflection and sacrifice because Jesus died for us but honey I sacrifice, self-reflect, and have quiet time with Jesus every freakin day. Forgive me for not believing that giving up Facebook or chocolate is going to intensify that. Instead of doing away with something for the Lenten season, I would rather do the opposite and add something to my life to show my appreciation and love for Jesus-something that would make him smile i.e. reaching out to those in need whether that means helping those in Haiti, or the homeless, or boys & girls clubs. Or, it could be as simple as making more of an effort to treat your body like the temple that it is instead of being counted as one of the obese masses of America. And what's even better is that spending 40 days doing these wonderful things will most likely make them routine in your life-how wonderful would it be to know that you are routinely doing things that would please Him. That is not to say that being in God's favor stems from doing good works-definitely not. It's equally important if not more so to cultivate a Godly state of mind & heart, and doing some good in this world should be a natural progression of those states.

Those are all my thought bubbles for now. Until next time...

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