Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Music is the best muse

Today I checked my YouTube subscriptions and found a treat waiting for me...the official music video for 'My Heart is Yours' by my favorite artist Justin Nozuka!!! It's the first single off of his soon to be released album 'You, I, wind, Land, and Sea' and naturally, I love it. There's a lot of music out there these days that shouldn't even be considered music due to its lack of substance, and abundance in ridiculous lyrics. Exhibit A: Ke$ha's 'Tik Tok'. See video below for a hilarious elaboration on the matter:

and back to our discussion of quality music...
Justin Nozuka's songs are what I like to call audible beauties, that have the power to evoke so much emotion within me. When I watched the official video for the aforementioned 'My Heart is Yours', I was inspired to write this poem. I had the itch to write a poem for awhile now but didn't know exactly what I wanted to write about so I'm glad Justin's song took care of that :) Below is the music video and the poem that the song inspired. Enjoy!

Poem: Sweetly Singing 

Dancing along the shore
Making footprints in the sand
There's boundless energy
Coming from the sea
And the union of our hands

Staring in amazement
At the beauty of the sky
As you lay next to me
I'm happy as can be
Deep love rings true in our eyes

The sun is beating down
Bringing warmth upon our skin
It mingles with the breeze
Puts my mind at ease
May this moment never end

Because my heart is sweetly singing
And there's no better feeling...<3

And as a bonus, here's Justin performing it live. It's not often that one finds an artist whose live performances are just as good, if not better than the radio edits. And this doesn't even begin to do his live performances justice so feel free to check out other videos of his live performances. Your ears will thank you ;-)

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