Sunday, April 18, 2010

So happy I could frolic!

Yes, t'is true, I'm so happy I could frolic! Why? Heck if I know! I suppose I'm just high on life! As if one really needs a reason to be happy lol. But if I were to try and pinpoint the source(s) of my happy-go-lucky demeanor, they would stem from the little pleasures of today. I'm hail from the rare unspoiled-only child breed so it doesn't take a lot to amuse me. That's something I'm really proud of actually because life's a lot easier to get through and much more enjoyable when you can find pleasure in the little things :-) Here were today's joyful little things:
-going to the mall w/ my mommy
-getting lunch, CDs, flip flops, but MOST IMPORTANTLY: a hooded cookie monster towel AND an 8 pack of Keebler cookie flavored lip balm!!!!!! *sidenote* my friend Tim was the one who actually told me about cookie flavored lip balm and I joked with him that I had to find some to wear in prep for my 1st kiss. Yes I'm 22 and still haven't been kissed but you better believe it'll be a tasty one when it happens lol!!!
-uploading pics of those 2 fantabulous purchases to my facebook and having my friends leave comments showing that they appreciate those purchases too-i mean c'mon, who doesn't like cookie related things?!?
-watching the new ABCFamily movie: Beauty & the Briefcase and loving it! It was surprisingly unpredictable and really funny!
-getting a loving Facebook msg from a friend <3
-getting a text from one of my best friends, which gave me something to look fwd to bc she's gonna call me tmrw and tell me all about her night w/ a special someone-can't wait!!!
-hugging & kissing my adorable mommy goodnight

Each of these things are quite tiny, and maybe even meaningless to some. But to me, each of them matter, bring me joy, and served to give me one of the happiest days I've had in a long time. It's a beautiful thing when one has the ability to be happy in the middle of a storm. I often times feel like my life has been a series of storms but in the words of Rose Kennedy, "Birds sing right after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?" With that said, I'm going to continue enjoying being jolly :-)